What are some things that Indian parents should tell their daughters but they don’t?

2 min readJan 6, 2021

The first thing they should tell is that feminists have betrayed women’s cause.

  • The girl who sacrificed her home for her husband was burnt alive for dowry by her mother-in-law (a woman).
  • No mother (a woman) wants her rapist son to live even a single minute in jail.
  • The girl knows her brother is an eve-teaser, a waste, a burden, yet the sister (a woman) would do anything to protect him.
  • That girl who was ridiculed for wearing a micro-skirt was, by an old aunt (a woman).
  • That girl who is forced to do purdah, her mother-in-law (a woman) is the biggest enforcer here.
  • It was the granny (a woman) who asked her family’s daughter-in-law to leave her job and suffocate herself at home.
  • That white-bedsheet for virginity test was purchased by none other than her mother-in-law (a woman).

What parents need to teach their daughters is that it’s never about men vs women or about sexuality as endorsed by these feminists.

Fire up, any such video. This song pretty girl.

I can swear, I can drink, I can smoke, I keep up with the guys.

Yes, you can smoke as can man but how does that empower women.

She is taking the roadside thugs down by corrupting their car because they threw insults at her.

Well, she shouldn’t do that because the thug is powerful.

Feminists will say, “Oh, really, you mean women are weak”.

Well, the thug is not powerful because he’s a man, he’s powerful because he has got a knife, a gun.

Rape, staring, eve-teasing these are not sexual crimes.

These are non-sexual crimes like is a murder.

Doesn’t matter you modulate a man’s DNA to an infinite thirst of sexual desire, he still wouldn’t even touch a girl absent her consent if he knows the value and respect of innocent human life.

Don’t make it women vs men.

Make it women vs criminal.

But then it won’t be interesting.

Youtube videos, movies, shows, pranks, ads, profits, it’s all business.

They themselves don’t believe in their dialogue of feminism but the world has started believing in them.

Indian parents should teach their daughters :

To not believe in feminists’ money-making SJW propaganda.




I am a Written who talks about only true story which I hear from someone or have the been in the situation.